These shall be found within the spoiler tags as not to spoil it for anyone who wants to find out for themselves. To avoid glitchiness, this unlocking must also happen at age Teen or older.Įach of these Dormant traits also has its own unlock conditions in order for your Sim to gain the respective occult status. All others are straight-forward, like Dormant Vampire can unlock Vampire status, etc. The odd one out is Dormant Alien, which when its conditions are fulfilled, has a 75% chance to turn your Sim into a Half-Alien and 25% chance to turn them into a full Alien. The sims 4 lacked better traits so I deicide to make more The list of traits are below These traits are complete The Chinese Download By GreenOnionC Archive: ExxtraTraitts.zip File: Easily Distracted. Description: More Traits There is exactly 10 traits. Specifically this includes: Vampires, Aliens, Mermaids, and Spellcasters. Is a mod for The Sims 4, created by SpaceAce. Naturally, this doesn't include Werewolves. So they either get the Dormant Occult or they don't. They can either get it or not get it, both possibilities have the same weight. Whenever an Occult has a child who doesn't get their parent's respective Occult trait, there is a YES/NO chance they might get the Dormant Occult instead. This mod requires MAL22's Trait Tracker Injector, and will not work without it.

Much like my eloquence in this post, the content for Dormant Occults was sorely lacking. So it was brought to my attention that Werewolves get the possibility of being a Dormant Wolf rather than just a regular Werewolf upon birth, so why shouldn't other Occults have something like that? There are alternate ways for them to become Occults, sure, but still, why not. 27 October 2022: Added Polish translation by Krzydek.